Get the Best Valentine's Day in Vancouver for your occasion.

Get the best Valentine's Day in Vancouver for your occasion at Frans’ Flowers! Check out our new Color and all-time design and experience why customers who bought our Valentine's Day!

Showing 1 - 24 of 47 item(s)


Our designer choice bouquet will be handcrafted by our skilled florist and will contain a beautifully curated selection of Valentines florals.


A lush mixture of rich pink blooms arranged in a simple glass vase.


Full of whimsy, this playful bouquet of pink roses, white daisies, pink lilies and fuchsia stock is a fun surprise for any special occasion! It's wrapped in a ti leaf in a glass cylinder vase...


Somebody’s gonna get a beautiful surprise. Imagine her smile when this lovely bouquet of roses arrives at her door – for no special reason at all. Except that you love her. You are going to...


She'll always be your #1 lady. Remind her just how special she is - send a sensational gift she'll never forget. This beautiful bouquet of fragrant pink lilies and lush white roses is sure to...


A dozen roses hand tied with babies breath and assorted seasonal greens. This classic bouquet is a timeless gift for that special someone.


Welcome to a pastel paradise! This lush arrangement features soft pastel tones in a large glass vase.


Say "I Love You" in Spanish. Enjoy this fresh arrangement with red & white stems.


Make it a special day! This passionate bouquet of lovely lilies and radiant roses, artfully arranged in our pretty pink vase, is one she'll hold close to her heart forever.


A classic rose arrangement to impress that special someone! Features roses of your choosing, fresh greens, and lush baby's breath arranged in a simple glass vase with ribbon.


This Hubba Hubba Red Rose Box arrangement is a lovely way to brighten a space with a pop of colour.


The perfect table-sized arrangements adding that touch of modern & class to your space whether it be on your bedside table, living room coffee table, & more!



Take a tropical getaway, without ever leaving home! Inspired by the shades of a tropical sunset, this paradise of bright colors and rainforest textures is a dramatic experience for the senses!


Truly exquisite, this uniquely sculptural arrangement of orchids, succulents and hydrangea adds artistic elegance to any event!


This Hubba Hubba Pink Rose Box arrangement is a lovely way to brighten a space with a pop of colour.


A beautiful cluster of roses in a cube.


A beautiful selection of fresh roses and wild foliage expertly arranged to show off how wild you are.


A dozen roses hand tied with babies breath and assorted seasonal greens. This classic bouquet is a timeless gift for that special someone.


A carefully selected blend of roses, daisies, and lilies make for a truly unique and special gift.


It's just, a little blush! Whoever you're sending this bouquet to, your loved ones are sure to crush hard on these gorgeous pink and white shades.


Brimming with hydrangea, orchids, roses and lilies in fabulous fuchsias and radiant reds, this breathtaking arrangement definitely makes a statement!


Awe and wonder. That's what's included in this magical bouquet. It's a beautiful mix of radiant blossoms in a stunning glass vase.


A dramatic display in jewel-toned roses and hydrangea in a sophisticated vase, this majestic bouquet will take their breath away.

Showing 1 - 24 of 47 item(s)