Tropical flowers are those that are native to tropical locations, typically those that are located close to the equator, and though they require typically hot and humid climates to thrive, they can also grow well as houseplants or when kept in greenhouses.

Tropical flowers can also be grown as annuals in warm summer regions and can bring a wonderfully bright and colorful look to the garden. Tropical flowers tend to have quite an exotic appeal and can be very rewarding to grow. This list contains some of the best tropical flowering plants you can grow indoors or outdoors at home.

How to Grow and Care for Tropical Flowers

Grow and Care Tropical Flowers

Plants that are native to tropical climates typically thrive in the warm environments of our homes. In addition to their verdant leaves, several of these tropical species are capable of flowering beautifully even when grown inside. Some are even aromatic! The majority of these plants require little in the way of attention when it comes to watering and lighting, but there are a few that can be more picky than others when it comes to growing conditions.

Even if you are just starting out with your collection of houseplants, the majority of these kinds will reward you with vivid flowers even if you don’t put in a lot of effort. The following is a list of the greatest blooming tropical plants to cultivate, along with some advice on how to maintain the plants’ health so that you can take pleasure in their stunning blossoms for the longest time possible.

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Tropical Flowers – Buying & Growing Guide

  1. Flamingo Flower
  2. Showy Medinilla
  3. Chenille Plant
  4. Jasmine
  5. Bougainvillea
  6. Bird of Paradise
  7. Blue Passion Flower
  8. Lobster Claw
  9. Maraca Ginger
  10. Urn Plant
  11. Red Frangipani

Essential Uses of Tropical Flowers

This plant, which loses its leaves in the winter, is indigenous to Mexico as well as the rest of Central America and some nations in South America. It can be cultivated either as a sizable shrub or as a small tree and will eventually reach a width that is proportional to its height, which can range anywhere from five to twenty-five feet.

The crimson frangipani takes on the form of an expansive umbrella when it is allowed to mature into a tree. It is a popular park and public garden specimen throughout the world’s tropical climates, where it is regularly grown in cultivation. Because it is so widely located around temples and cemeteries, it is also sometimes referred to as the “temple tree.” In fact, this is how the name originated in the first place.

What are some tropical flowers?

What are some tropical flowers

  • African Violet. Saintpaulia. COLORS:
  • Amaryllis. Hippeastrum. COLORS: 
  • Anthurium. Anthurium andraeanum. COLORS: 
  • Bird of Paradise. Strelitzia reginae. 
  • Blanket Flower. Gaillardia.
  • Blood Lily. Scadoxus multiflorus.
  • Blue Passion Flower. Passiflora caerulea.
  • Bougainvillea. Bougainvillea glabra.